To better understand the workings of the code, open the console in your browser – we’ll use client-side JavaScript to show the different states of our code.
is a classic, but sometimes you want more structure and the option to display more values at once and for such situations, console.table()
is awesome.
In two places in the code, I’m building a JavaScript object as a string with Ampscript:
/* Debug value capture before processing */
set @debug1 = Concat('{',
'"@case": "', @case, '",',
'"@feedback": "', @feedback, '",',
'"@previousWord": "', @previousWord, '",',
'"@theWordEncoded": "', @theWordEncoded, '",',
'"@lastGuess": "', @lastGuess, '",',
'"@guesses": "', @guesses, '",',
'"@alphabet": "', @alphabet, '",',
'"@evaluation": "', @evaluation, '",',
which is later shown in the form of a table in the console using the following code fragment:
In the end it gives us an output like this each time the page loads:
NOTE Properties with empty strings ('') will not be shown as rows in the console. null values will be shown normally.